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BAOC event (30/08/2015)
Niedziela 30 Sierpnia 2015
Big Basin
Spent 2hrs on a 7km (630m climb) o-course in a redwood forest! Lost 5min on the bad route choice to #3. The map didn't make sen...
UC Berkeley Sprint (17/08/2015)
Poniedziałek 17 Sierpnia 2015
I ran an event at the beautiful Cal campus. Made some poor route choices (3,4) and ran too far on the roads towards #7 and 10. Thi...
BAOC Event (12/07/2015)
Niedziela 12 Lipca 2015
Bedwell Bayfront Park, BAOC, USA
Finally got to attend an orienteering event in the US! I ran two loops but forgot to start the gps on the first one (which was kin...